
Po 17. 3.

Raoul Eden, Jana Orlová, Karolina Válová

19:00 | 100 Kč
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music and verses
Raoul Eden (Dark Progressive Blues)
Jana Orlová (poetry)
Karolina Válová (poetry)
Raoul Eden
is an instrumental guitarist deeply influences by oriental music, Indian râga and classical lyricism but still rooted in dark primitive psychedelic blues.He develops structures that are both repetitive and ecstatic, melodies that are constructed and luminous, free forms that are violent and quasi-improvised; All bordering on an inner journey beyond reality.
Jana Orlová
is a poet and performance artist. She published “Čichat oheň” („Sniff the Fire“) with her own illustrations at Pavel Mervart publisher in 2012 and “Újedě” her second book of poetry at Větrné Mlýny publisher at 2017. Her works appeared in “Nejlepší české básně” (Best Czech Poems) at HOST publisher. Her poems were translated into Romanian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Hungarian, English and Arabic. She gained the “Objev roku” (Breakthrough Act ) Award at Next Wave Festival for “crossing the boundaries of literature, fine art and theatre naturally and with ease”. She is earning her Phd. degree at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague under the guidance of PhDr. Pavlína Morganová, Phd. She is the chief editor of art and culture column of
Karolina Válová
dabbles in literary history, especially of Portuguese novels, and music journalism. She occasionally writes poems for zines and magazines. So far, she has only self-published them on small pieces of paper in a jar as "Zavařovací proces" (2018). In her free time, she photographs rust and delves into the history of defunct music clubs.
